Scooby Help

Francesco Magnani

The primary areas where I've contributed on the implementation side include:

HTTP library new API

After using the library in various scenarios, we noticed that the original usage could be cumbersome and verbose. To address this, we designed and implemented a new API to provide a more flexible and concise usage, adopting a DSL-like approach (reported here as it is an implementation detail)

For example, in the following snippets it's possible to see the comparison.

val client = SimpleHttpClient() val url = URL("") val request: Either[HttpError, Request] = Request.builder .get() .at(url) .headers(("Example-Header", "Value")) .build val response: Either[HttpError, Response] = request match case Left(_) => ... // error in building the request case Right(req) => req.send(client) val body: String = response match case Left(_) => ... // error in sending the request case Right(res) => res.body val document = ScrapeDocument(body, url)
given SimpleHttpClient = SimpleHttpClient() val result: Either[HttpError, ScrapeDocument] = GET("") sending: Headers: Seq(("Example-Header", "Value"))

The new API relies on the Deserializer mechanism and the PartialCall class.

«Trait»DeserializerR, Tdeserialize(response: R): Either[HttpError, T]PartialCallT, C: HttpClient & Backend...«uses»

Using Scala's Conversion system, calls are automatically routed through a given Client with a Backend that works with a specific response type. When a Response is received, a given deserializer converts the Either[HttpError, Response] into Either[HttpError, T], where T is inferred from the receiver variable's type ( e.g., a ScrapeDocument).

This mechanism simplifies and clarifies the library's usage while maintaining safety checks and error management.

Scooby Start/Stop Mechanisms

The Scooby system utilizes the Akka actor system, making it crucial to manage the application's start and stop processes gracefully. The stopping process, in particular, is challenging because it requires ensuring all actors have completed their tasks and no longer need processing time.

To address this, we must understand the macro steps of execution and their interdependencies. A comprehensive description of this management is available here.

DSL Scraper Keywords

The scraping keywords consist of a single instruction, scrape, which opens a Context for defining the scraping policy.

/** * Top-level keyword for defining the scraping behavior. * @param block Definition of the scraping behavior * @param globalScope Global Scooby scope (e.g., "scooby: ...") * @tparam T Type of the result returned by this scraping behavior */ inline def scrape[T](block: ScrapeBehaviorScope[T])(using globalScope: ConfigurationWrapper[T]): Unit = catchRecursiveCtx[ScrapeDocument]("scrape") scrapeOp(block) /** * Unsafe version of the one inside [[SafeOps]] * @param block Definition of the scraping behavior * @param globalScope Global Scooby scope (e.g., "scooby: ...") * @tparam T Type of the result returned by this scraping behavior */ def scrapeOp[T](block: ScrapeBehaviorScope[T])(using globalScope: ConfigurationWrapper[T]): Unit = globalScope.configuration = globalScope.configuration.focus(_.scraperConfiguration.scrapePolicy).replace: doc => given ScrapeDocument = doc block

Additional keywords can be used within this scope, depending on the type of data being scraped. Scraping policies can return results of any Scala type, not just HTML elements (e.g., tuples and strings). However, since the target is typically an HTML document, other keywords specifically facilitate working with HTML elements, offering a more language-assisted customization of the scraping policy.

For example, in the following snippet:

scrape: elements that haveId("exampleId")

Here, that is an alias for the Scala collection method filter, and haveId is a method that generates a predicate for HTML elements, making the expression compile in Scala. These keywords are implemented as follows:

def elements[D <: Document & CommonHTMLExplorer](using documentContext: D): Iterable[HTMLElement] = documentContext.getAllElements extension [T](x: Iterable[T]) inline infix def that(predicate: T => Boolean): Iterable[T] = x filter predicate infix def haveId(id: String): HTMLElementRule = == id

This approach is used throughout the DSL, making it highly customizable and enabling the creation of various useful keywords.

DSL Safety Mechanism

Keywords like scrape and scooby create scopes with a given context, potentially allowing invalid programs to compile, such as with nested repeated scopes:

scrape: scrape: scrape: elements that haveId("exampleId")

The snippet above results invalid, and a safety mechanism is required for preventing user to correctly use the DSL syntax. For instance, ScalaTest throws an exception at runtime if a ... should ... in keyword is nested incorrectly.

To address this, we instead use Scala 3 macros. Dangerous operators like scrape have a safe version (exposed outside the DSL package) and an unsafe one (kept private). The safe version uses Scala inline methods and scala.compiletime utilities to detect and prevent repeated givens at compile time.

The macro is implemented as follows:

private inline def isInContext[T]: Boolean = summonFrom: case given T => true case _ => false inline def catchRecursiveCtx[T](inline contextName: String): Unit = if isInContext[T] then error("\"" + contextName + "\" keyword cannot be placed inside another \"" + contextName + "\"")

Scooby Testing Class

To facilitate DSL testing, a ScoobyTest class has been developed. This class contains methods that simulate Scooby application behavior, making it easier to test various scenarios.

Last modified: 07 August 2024