Scooby Help

Giovanni Antonioni

The main areas that I've contributed to on the implementation side include:

As side works I've also worked on setting up the CI/CD pipeline and the documentation system for the project.


For the Crawler component I've followed the Akka's FSM design principle

using the Behavior DSL. Is possible to identifying the following two states:

  • The idle state, where the actor receives the url to crawl and starts the process of checking the documents frontier, starts a scraper children actor and the sub crawlers.

  • The waitForChildren state, where the actor awaits if the spawned children to terminate their computations

Each of the following state is managed by a specific function that handle the state transition and the message processing.

def idle(): Behavior[Command] = Behaviors.receiveMessage: case Crawl(url) => crawl(url) case x: ChildTerminated => visitChildren(links) buffer.stash(x) Behaviors.same private def waitingForChildren(alive: Int): Behavior[CrawlerCommand] ="${} -> Children alive: $alive") if alive == 0 then"Crawler ${} has no child -> Terminating") Behaviors.stopped else Behaviors.receiveMessage: case ChildTerminated() =>"Child terminated") waitingForChildren(alive - 1) case _ => Behaviors.same

Crawler's Exploration Policy

An Exploration Policy describe the way crawlers fetch links from a page. It's represented by a function that receive as input a HTML Document (Crawl Document) and that returns an iterable of URLs.

type ExplorationPolicy = CrawlDocument => Iterable[URL]

Defining an exploration policy in terms of a function allows to easily change the behavior of the crawler and to extend it with new functionalities.

As example, we can describe an exploration policy that only fetch same domain urls:

def sameDomainLinks: ExplorationPolicy = (document: CrawlDocument) => == document.url.domain)

It's important to note that all crawlers will assume the same exploration policy inside the system and that should be configured at application startup.


Similar to Crawler the Exporters is also designed as an actor entity that awaits to receive a Result message from a Scraper containing partial data from the scraping process. Based on the type of Exporter the final result is handled differently: with the StreamExporter is processed immediatelly:

def stream[A](exportingFunction: ExportingBehavior[A]): Behavior[ExporterCommands] = Behaviors.setup : context => Behaviors.receiveMessage : case Export(result: Result[A]) => Try: exportingFunction(result) .fold(e => println(s"An error occurred while exporting in stream config: $e"), identity) Behaviors.same case SignalEnd(replyTo) => context.log.warn("Ignoring batch results inside Stream exporter") replyTo ! ExportFinished Behaviors.stopped

while with the BatchExporter is accumulated until the end of the scraping process:

def fold[A](result: Result[A]) (exportingFunction: ExportingBehavior[A]) (aggregation: AggregationBehavior[A]): Behavior[ExporterCommands] = Behaviors.setup : context => Behaviors.receiveMessage : case Export(newResult: Result[A]) => fold(aggregation(result, newResult))(exportingFunction)(aggregation) case SignalEnd(replyTo) => Try: exportingFunction(result) .fold(e => println(s"An error occurred while exporting in batch config: $e"), identity) replyTo ! ExportFinished Behaviors.stopped def batch[A](exportingFunction: ExportingBehavior[A]) (aggregation: AggregationBehavior[A]): Behavior[ExporterCommands] = fold(Result.empty[A])(exportingFunction)(aggregation)

We can control different aspects for exporters, as the aggregation behavior, the exporting behavior and the output format. These are all defined as custom Scala types that are passed to the constructor of the Exporter during its creation:

type ExportingBehavior[A] = Result[A] => Unit type AggregationBehavior[A] = (Result[A], Result[A]) => Result[A] type FormattingBehavior[A] = Result[A] => String

Rule system DSL

The part I've implemented on the DSL side is the rule system for the scraper. The rule system is a set of keywords that allow to define which elements of the page should be scraped based on different conditions.

When an user define a scrape block on the DSL snippet, a ScrapingContext is opened and it's possible to sets a series of rules to define the scraping policy.

An example of DSL:

scrape: elements that : haveAttributeValue("href", "level1.1.html") and haveClass("amet") or followRule { == "ipsum" }

In the example above, the that keyword is an alias for the Scala collection method filter while, haveAttributeValue, haveClass and followRule are methods that generates a predicate for HTML elements.

inline def followRule(block: RuleDefinitionScope): HTMLElementRule = catchRecursiveCtx[HTMLElement]("rule") el => given HTMLElement = el block infix def haveAttributeValue(attributeName: String, attributeValue: String): HTMLElementRule = _.attr(attributeName) == attributeValue infix def haveClass(cssClass: String): HTMLElementRule = _.classes.contains(cssClass)

Note that the followRule uses a method (catchRecursiveCtx[HTMLElement]("rule")) for checking the context in which it's used. This prevent to recursively use the followRule keyword inside another followRule block.

Last modified: 07 August 2024