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In general, adopting SCRUM principles and mostly split the workload in sprints has been a useful practise that allowed a fair load balancing; further aspects of each sprint will be detailed in Backlog section.

Giovanni Antonioni

Working on this project has been a fulfilling experience, more than I expected. We've been able to develop a complex library from scratch, in a relatively short amount of time, challenging ourselves with a new paradigm and language. I really appreciated, more that the development phase, the way we've structured the amount of work for the project, using the SCRUM methodology and the Agile principles.

Developing the core of the application using Scala and Akka was a great choice, as it allowed to model the system in a more natural way, and easily manage the concurrency and parallelism of the system.

I've been able to apply the TDD methodology, which I've never used before, and I found it very useful to structure the code and the tests in a more organized way. Personally, I'm satisfied with the work I've done, and I'm proud of the results we've achieved.

Valerio Di Zio

The project proved to be both challenging and immensely educational. The adoption of the SCRUM methodology was decisive in establishing a structured but adaptable approach to work management, resulting in enhanced team productivity and streamlined communication among team members.

The work on library development, using Scala and Akka, was a great opportunity to delve into both technologies. The ability to model the system naturally and manage the complexities of the project through the actor paradigm was an interesting and highly educational discovery. In addition, the creation of continuous testing had a positive impact on the way I approached code and testing, helping to maintain a high standard of quality.

I am very pleased with the results achieved and the experience gained. This project has not only expanded my skills technical skills, but also strengthened my ability to work in a team and approach complex challenges in a collaborative and structured manner.

Francesco Magnani

This project has been both engaging and challenging to develop. Working in a highly professional and practical manner, adhering to project management techniques and guidelines, has been both inspiring and instructive. A project like this has helped me understand the main pitfalls of software development in teams, as well as the primary advantages and strengths.

Gaining knowledge about the Scala language has been particularly important to me. Learning the capabilities of a cutting-edge and modern programming language like Scala has significantly advanced my skills as both a programmer and a software engineer, introducing me to new paradigms that were previously unfamiliar.

I believe that choosing to develop a web crawler/scraper was a very interesting decision, as was following specific design and implementation paths, such as the Actor paradigm. Although this is a project I would like to continue working on in the future, I am proud and satisfied with the results achieved over these past two months.

Luca Rubboli

I found this project fascinating due to an interesting goal, an inspirational team and project structure and requirements.

The relevance granted to all methodologies that surround works allowed me to correctly structure workload and to gain the best time efficiency in team work, resulting in high motivation, expressed looking for the best solutions to deal with faced problems.

Moreover, this project has been useful also for consolidating knowledge about Scala language and functional programming paradigm, expressed in terms of design and implementation.

Personally, I'm satisfied with the tasks I fulfilled and effort involved in design and implementation phase.

Future developments

  • A GUI could be implemented as matter of both usability and simulation status, as well as a more effective export output;

  • Stop and resume simulation mechanisms could be implemented;

  • DSL could be enhanced collecting users suggestions;

  • Implements mechanisms that automatize human-requiring actions (like Cookies acceptance, logins, ...) involving some A.I. techniques;

  • Publish library on Maven repository, to provide an easier integration.

Last modified: 07 August 2024