Sprint 5: Finalize the implementation of the core aspects
Ticket Id | Summary | Backlog item | Assigned to | Estimation | Actual | Type |
PPS-49 | Design and implement Robot.txt | Robot library | Valerio Di Zio | 1h 30m | 2h | Design |
PPS-44 | Improve the CI | CI | Giovanni Antonioni | 1h 30m | 1h | Configuration |
PPS-41 | HTTP library enhancement | HTTP library | Francesco Magnani | 3h | 3h | Enhancement |
PPS-43 | Change coordinator implementation | Actor implementation | Valerio Di Zio | 2h | 2h | Dev |
PPS-46 | Implement Scraper Actor | Actor implementation | Luca Rubboli | 2h | 2h | Dev |
PPS-36 | Design the Scraper Actor | System Design | Luca Rubboli | 4h | 4h | Design |
PPS-42 | integration of the new version of the http library | Integration | Francesco Magnani | 3h | 2h | Integration |
Sprint goal
Minor refactoring;
CI enhancement;
Robots.txt management;
Crawler and Scraper termination.
Sprint deadline
Sprint review
All goals have been fulfilled. CI enhancement involved strict rules about push requirements on main branches.
Sprint retrospective
This sprint focused on filling backlog tasks of crawler and scraper entities. Delay on these entities was due to thin and tricky design of results class.