Scooby Help

Get started

To start using Scooby in a new SBT project, you need to manually add the library.

  • Generate a new project using SBT.

  • Download the JAR from the latest release of the Scooby library.

  • Create a new lib folder inside your SBT project.

  • Place the downloaded JAR inside the lib folder you've just created.

  • Create a class that extends either org.unibo.scooby.dsl.ScoobyEmbeddable or org.unibo.scooby.dsl.ScoobyApplication.

ScoobyEmbeddable is a Scala trait that can be added to a class to use the Scooby DSL without it being executable. The scooby keyword will then return a Future containing the result of the scraping. ScoobyApplication, on the other hand, can be extended by a Scala object to be executable directly.

Here's the difference in their usage:

class MyClass extends ScoobyEmbeddable: val app: ScoobyRunnable[?] = scooby: ... val result: Result[?] = Await.result(, Duration.Inf)
object Application extends ScoobyApplication: scooby: ...

Here's instead a full example of the usage with ScoobyApplication.

import org.unibo.scooby.dsl.ScoobyApplication import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt object MyObject extends ScoobyApplication: scooby: config: network: Timeout is 9.seconds MaxRequests is 10 headers: "User-Agent" to "Scooby/1.0-alpha (" options: MaxDepth is 2 MaxLinks is 20 crawl: url: "" policy: hyperlinks not external scrape: elements exports: batch: strategy: results get(el => (el.tag, el.text)) output: toFile("test.json") withFormat json aggregate: _ ++ _ streaming: results get tag output: toConsole withFormat text


Provided DSL is open to customization, we offer a brief introduction to explore possible configurations.


In order to enlarge visit to websites which require user authentication, it is possible to define multiple headers in headers section as

headers: "my-header-name-1" to "my-header-value-1" "my-header-name-2" to "my-header-value-2"


It is possible to define custom policies, which must adhere to type CrawlDocument ?=> Iterable[URL]. An example could be:

policy: allLinks not external


It is possible to define custom policies, which must adhere to type ScrapeDocument ?=> Iterable[T]. It is also possible to mix policies using boolean filter conditions. An example could be:

scrape: elements that : haveAttributeValue("href", "level1.1.html") and haveClass("amet") or followRule { == "ipsum" }


It is possible to define both batch and streaming strategies, even multiple times, concatenating their effects. An example could be:

exports: batch: strategy: results get(el => (el.tag, el.text)) output: toFile("testJson.txt") withFormat json aggregate: _ ++ _ batch: strategy: results get(el => (el.tag, el.text)) output: toFile("testText.txt") withFormat text aggregate: _ ++ _ streaming: results get tag output: toConsole withFormat text

When output is configured toFile, it's possible to define preferred file action, between Append (append results to already existing text in file) and Overwrite (which delete previous content of the file). Default behavior if not specified is Overwrite.

exports: batch: strategy: results get(el => (el.tag, el.text)) output: toFile("testJson.txt", Append) withFormat json aggregate: _ ++ _ batch: strategy: results get(el => (el.tag, el.text)) output: toFile("testText.txt", Overwrite) withFormat text aggregate: _ ++ _ streaming: results get tag output: toConsole withFormat text
Last modified: 07 August 2024