Sprint 1: Programming proposal
Ticket Id | Summary | Backlog Item | Assigned to | Estimation | Actual | Type |
PPS-4 | UML: Exporter | System Design | Francesco Magnani | 2h | 1h | Design |
PPS-11 | Project proposal | System Design | Giovanni Antonioni, Valerio Di Zio, Luca Rubboli, Francesco Magnani | 2h | 2h | Other |
PPS-3 | UML: Crawler | System Design | Giovanni Antonioni | 1h 30m | 1h 30m | Design |
PPS-9 | UML: Scraper with Actor Interaction | System Design | Valerio Di Zio | 1h 30m | 1h | Design |
PPS-8 | UML: Crawler with Actor Interaction | System Design | Giovanni Antonioni | 1h 30m | 1h 30m | Design |
PPS-6 | UML: Scraper | System Design | Valerio Di Zio | 2h | 1h 30m | Design |
PPS-10 | UML: Manager with Actor Interaction | System Design | Luca Rubboli | 1h | 1h | Design |
PPS-7 | UML: Exporter with Actor Interaction | System Design | Francesco Magnani | 1h | 1h | Design |
PPS-5 | UML: Manager | System Design | Luca Rubboli | 2h | 2h | Design |
Sprint goal
Design the system and the architecture;
Write the project proposal.
Sprint deadline
Sprint review
No problem occurred during the sprint. The team worked well and all goals were achieved.
Sprint retrospective
The problem we encountered was the time spent on the project proposal, which was higher than expected. The team will try to improve the time management in the next sprint.