Sprint 3: Project structure and definition of main classes
Ticket Id | Summary | Backlog Item | Assigned to | Estimation | Actual | Type |
PPS-28 | Define and implement utility library: HTTP Request | HTTP library | Francesco Magnani | 5h | 4h | Design |
PPS-27 | Define and implement utility classes: Parser and Document | Document library | Valerio Di Zio, Francesco Magnani | 4h | 3h | Design |
PPS-26 | Define and Implement the Result class | Result library | Luca Rubboli | 6h | 6h | Design |
PPS-29 | Define and implement Rule class | Rule library | Giovanni Antonioni | 4h | 5h | Design |
Sprint goal
Definition and implementation of Coordinator;
Definition and implementation of Crawler;
Definition and implementation of Scraper;
Implementation of the Result and Rules classes.
Sprint deadline
Sprint review
Unfortunately, lots of task have been left behind, we focussed in particular on the implementation of the utilities classes and we didn't have enough time to implement the main classes.
Sprint retrospective
In this case we've underestimated the time needed for the implementation of the utilities classes, in particular for the Result class. We've also faced some problems with the implementation of the Rules class, which was more complex than expected. We will try to improve the time management in the next sprint.